What happened to Brian Nieves? Bay Shore man identified as victim killed in LIE fatal crash

On Monday, June 12, a fatal accident on the Long Island Expressway led to the death of Brian Nieves, a 38-year-old Bayshore man. According to Long Island News, Nieves was driving his 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee on the Westbound LIE when he collided with a 2012 Peterbilt tractor-trailer, which was being driven by 55-year-old Medford man Rafael Mercado. While Mercado was uninjured, Nieves was declared dead at the scene.

Trigger warning: this article concerns a fatal car accident, the reader's discretion is advised.

In the aftermath of the crash, the LIE had to be shut down for several hours while first responders arrived at the scene. Newsday noted that Brian Nieves' Jeep has been impounded for a safety check. Mercado's tractor-trailer was also investigated by officials to ensure that it met safety requirements.

What are the greater implications of Brian Nieves' death on the LIE?

After the collision, which occurred at approximately 3 am, Brian Nieves was ejected from the vehicle. Officials stated that the victim was already dead by the time they arrived.

According to Sobo & Sobo, the accident was one of approximately 83 serious motor vehicle accidents that occur in Long Island on a daily basis.

The accident occurred in Suffolk County, which sees around 36,037 accidents annually. While around 120 people die as a result of car accidents, another 841 are left with serious injuries.

Nassau County, despite having more accidents than Suffolk, experienced considerably fewer fatal accidents. While Nassau County had 40,306 total accidents, there were only 61 deaths and 647 serious injuries.

However, Accident Counsel reported that both counties of Suffolk and Nassau have a higher rate of fatal accidents than the New York State average.

As per Tocci Law, the cause behind the high number of accidents in Long Island can be attributed to a number of factors. In Suffolk County, the top reasons were distracted driving and improper lane changes.

In Nassau County, the primary reason behind most accidents was speeding and aggressive driving, which led to drivers refusing to provide a right of way.

Palermo Law added another reason as to why Long Island experiences such a high number of road fatalities. The official website raised the fact that the roads are busy, commercial, and have very high speed limits.

Moreover, careless driving is uncommon on expressways, which are abundant in the densely populated New York Island.

The death of Brian Nieves is currently being investigated by New York authorities. Officials clarified that both drivers involved in the crash were alone, and that no one else sustained any injuries.

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